MANUU Knowledge Series is an important digital initiatives to enrich the Students community and general audience with wide array of topics which have shaped Human History and are of general interest. It also aims to educate and enrich the audience about the powerful world of media, images, words and sounds.
The Manuu Knowledge Series was introduced as a part of Digital Initiatives in December 2017.
Although, this being a part of several other productions that IMC uploads on YouTube, it requires special attention, where in short duration informative multimedia capsules are being produced and uploaded on YouTube channel. This series will certainly enrich and cater to the general audience and young students.
The following are the topics being covered under MANUU knowledge series
100 Most influential persons/leaders in the History
100 Famous Urdu Literature personalities
100 Great Indians
100 Great Discoveries of all times
100 Common Health/Nutritional issues
100 common Socio-Economic and Environmental Issues
100 Great Scientists of this century
100 famous Urdu Media Personalities
Besides all this, Annual Lectures / Talks by Eminent Media Personalities are being organized by the Centre. IMC considers this practice a social responsibility to educate the audience in general on different perspectives and aspects of media.
Education and gaining knowledge is the birth right of every citizen of this world. Unfortunately, there are only few who get a chance to be a part of the formal education system. Recognizing the potential 21st century digital platform in disseminating content to a large and diversified audience, IMC MANUU created MANUU Knowledge Series.